
Welcome to DMPonline

DMPonline is a way to help you write data management plans for your research projects at Lund University. It is only intended for researchers affiliated with Lund University, but you can invite colleagues from other universities for collaboration.

Read more about the system on

Getting started:

  • Create an account for DMPonline (the first time) using your Lund University email address
  • Choose Lund University from the drop-down menu of available organisations
  • Link your account to your LUCAT-id
  • Login with your LUCAT-id and password
  • Choose Create plans
  • Choose primary funding organisation from the list

Once you have linked your LUCAT-id to DMPonline, please sign in with your institutional credentials.

You can update your plan as your research project evolves and download it to different formats. If revising, it is advised to download and keep each version, more information in the Lund University records management plan.

If you need help, please contact Servicedesk or request feedback on your plan within the system. You may also invite support staff at your library as a collaborator.